Back on Asianet Autologger - ADL AutoLogin software

Hi friends,
We are the coders behind asianet data line (ADL) autologin software. We released our first successful software product "Asianet Autologger" about an year ago. After releasing version 1.3 we just discontinued doing codes on it.  It was because we didn't received a good response as we expected. But now we are ready to spend some more time for asianet auto logger because of a couple of good responses that we received on our  product in our facebook page and we also received some followers on our google plus page    too. These things are really encouraging us to do codes again for asianet data line  autologger. So if you need a good  version of this software soon, you should support us  by following our pages ,posting comments , giving feedbacks on asianet autologin software etc... everything that you do will encourage us and force us to make a zero error product. So please support us. We are not professional programmers and also we are humans like you living in kerala , so as more people support  our product  new and new versions of  our Asianet AutoLogger will appear on web. 

Keep supporting ADL autologger

Thanks for  liking our facebook page too....


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