Using # tags (hash tags) and + mentions in blogger

Now in google services we can use #tags and +mentions as we use in different social networks. 


#tags are used to point to any titles of discussion . While you are typing some words after # symbol in  any google services then it will automatically suggest you some of the popular tags, You can also create new tags  which no one have created earlier. # tags works in all the google services where +Google+  comments are enabled like +YouTube  and also you can use #tags in blogger comments if google plus comments is enabled in  you blog. 

+ mentions

+mentions  are used to mention some persons or pages in google plus. Just like #tags these +mentions can be used anywhere on google services where google plus comments is ebnabled.

In your blog posts you can mention people or pages in google plus using + mentioning  . For example +Anuraj TS is a +mention to my  google plus account.
Even though plus mentions works in blog posts #tags will not work , but both of them are found to be working in blogpost comments ; 



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