Open all pubic webcams using a simple google trick - google search
This is a simple search trick, some people will mention it as a google live camera hack or google security cam hack . Most of the security cam pages that various institutions use follows a particular URL pattern, but you know google is a great thing it indexes each and every URL on the internet including the URLs in which the security camera live view is set up. Getting access to this kind of URLs will allow you to see what the cam records live, and if you know the pattern of URLs in which the live cam is set up then we can use inurl: tag to get the indexed URLs including the cam URL pattern. The thing that really helps us to find the URL is that the URL patterns are similar for cams of same companies which have manufactured the camera. The process is so simple if you have a URL pattern, suppose the URL pattern be URL then on google make a search for inurl:URL
See a live cam that I found using this google trick
So the following is the queries to be made on google to find the cams of various companies
- Axis Webcams: inurl:/view.shtml or inurl:view/index.shtml
- Cannon Webcams: sample/LvAppl/
- MOBOTIX Webcams: control/userimage.html
- FlexWatch Webcams: /app/idxas.html
- JVC Webcams: intitle: intitle:”V.Networks [Motion Picture(Java)]”
So enjoy googling for live cams.
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